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  • Lidcombe Tekniği | DilKonMer Eğitim

    Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. Lidcombe Tekniği Lidcombe Tekniği, özellikle çocuklarda kekemelik tedavisinde kullanılan bir terapi yöntemidir. Bu program, kekemelikle ilgili semptomları doğrudan azaltmaya odaklanır ve ebeveynlerin çocuklarının konuşma sürecine doğal bir şekilde desteklemelerini hedefler. Terapi sürecinde, ebeveynler çocuklarının kekemeliğini ölçerek değerlendirme yapar ve dil ve konuşma terapistleri aileye rehberlik eder. Bu teknik, çocukların konuşma süreçlerine pozitif ve yapıcı bir şekilde müdahale etmeyi, ebeveynlere günlük konuşma aktiviteleri sırasında çocuklarını nasıl destekleyebileceklerini öğretmeyi amaçlar. Lidcombe Programı, her çocuğun bireysel ihtiyaçlarına göre uyarlanabilir ve kekemeliğin türü ile şiddetine bağlı olarak tedavi yaklaşımları belirlenir. Bu yöntem, çocuklarda kekemeliği azaltmak ve konuşma akıcılığını artırmak için etkili ve uygulanabilir bir terapi şeklidir. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

  • Terapi ve Değerlendirme Teknikleri | Dilkonmer Dil, Konuşma Ve Ses Bozuklukları Terapi Merkezi

    Our Therapy and Assessment Techniques Our Therapy and Evaluation Test Techniques that we apply in our center in the field of Language, Speech and Voice Disorders, Psychological Support and Child Development-Education Prom Technique Method of activation of oral muscles for restructuring More Lax-Vox Sound Therapy Technique It is a technique for vocal cords with silicone tube and water resistance. More floortime For the functional-sensory development of children and families with developmental difficulties More Fluency Shaping Technique Shaping fluency of speech in stuttering More Lidcombe Technique Relaxed breathing techniques in stuttering in children and adults More J. Scott Yaruss, PhD Method Stuttering in early childhood and school age More Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - CBT Helps people find new ways to think patterns... More TEDİL-TODİL Turkish Early Language Development and Turkish School Age Language Development Test More Hizmetlerimiz: Hizmetlerimiz

  • Fluency Shaping Tekniği | DilKonMer Eğitim

    Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. Fluency Shaping Tekniği Fluency Shaping Tekniği, kekemelik terapisinde kullanılan önemli bir yöntemdir. Bu teknik, kekeleyen bireyin konuşma akıcılığını geliştirmeye odaklanır. Ana hedef, seslerle ve ağızdan çıkan hava akışı ile daha akıcı bir konuşma ritmi oluşturmaktır. Bu süreçte, bireyler kontrollü ve bilinçli nefes almayı öğrenirler. ​ Fluency Shaping, kekemeliğin modifiye edilmesinden ziyade, konuşma sırasında kekemeliğin önlenmesine odaklanır. Bireylerin konuşma organlarını daha etkili kullanmalarını sağlayarak, konuşma sırasında daha az çaba harcamalarını ve daha akıcı konuşmalarını hedefler. ​ Bu teknik, kekemeliği azaltmak ve konuşma akıcılığını artırmak için ses uzatma, yumuşak başlangıçlar ve nefes kontrolü gibi çeşitli stratejiler içerir. Ayrıca, kekemelikle başa çıkmada bireyin özgüvenini ve konuşma becerilerini geliştirmeye yardımcı olur. ​ Fluency Shaping, kekemeliğin azaltılması ve konuşma akıcılığının artırılması için bireysel ihtiyaçlara göre uyarlanabilen kapsamlı bir terapi yaklaşımıdır. ​ Merkezimizde Fluency Shaping Tekniği, Dil ve Konuşma Terapistlerimizce uygulanmaktadır. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

  • Lax-Vox Ses Terapisi | DilKonMer Eğitim

    Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. Lax-Vox Ses Terapisi Tekniği Lax-Vox ses terapisi tekniği, ses bozukluklarının tedavisinde kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Bu tekniğin temel mekanizması, ses yolunun inertansını yükselterek yapay olarak uzunluğunu artırmaktır. Bu süreç, larenksin boyundaki vertikal konumunu ve sesin doğal tonunu iyileştirmeye yardımcı olur. ​ Lax-Vox tekniği genellikle 'suya ses üfleme' olarak da adlandırılır ve ses kaslarına fonksiyonel güç kazandırmayı, sesi yumuşatmayı ve hedef sesi bulmayı amaçlar. Bu teknik, ses terapisi uygulamalarında yaygın olarak kullanılan ve sesi doğal bir şekilde kullanma becerisini artırmayı hedefleyen geniş bir yelpazedeki tekniklerden biridir. ​ Ses bozukluklarının tedavisinde, Lax-Vox, sesi daha sağlıklı ve etkili bir şekilde kullanmaya yardımcı olan bir ses terapi yöntemi olarak kabul edilir. Bu teknik, profesyonel ses kullanıcılarından ses bozukluğu yaşayan bireylere kadar geniş bir kullanıcı kitlesi için faydalıdır. ​ Merkezimizde Lax-Vox Tekniği, Dil ve Konuşma Terapistlerimizce uygulanmaktadır. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

  • PROMPT Tekniği | DilKonMer Eğitim

    Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. PROMPT Tekniği PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) tekniği, konuşma bozukluklarının tedavisinde kullanılan etkili bir terapi yöntemidir. Bu yöntem, özellikle motor konuşma bozuklukları olan bireylerde, apraksi ve dizartri gibi durumlarla başa çıkmak için tasarlanmıştır. PROMPT tekniği, konuşma kaslarına yönelik bir tedavi yöntemi olup, konuşma organlarına dokunularak uygulanır. Bu sayede, bireylerin konuşma seslerini doğru telaffuz etmeleri için gereken organların uyumlu hareketleri teşvik edilir ve geliştirilir. ​ Amerika'da PROMPT tekniği için özel bir Araştırma ve Eğitim Enstitüsü (PROMPT INSTITUTE) kurulmuştur. Bu teknik, konuşma bozukluklarının yanı sıra artikülasyon problemlerinin tedavisinde de kullanılır. Artikülasyon, bireyin konuşmada yer alan organlarının ardışık ve uyumlu hareketleriyle konuşma seslerini doğru telaffuz etme becerisidir. PROMPT yöntemi, bu becerinin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olmak için dil modelinin çıktılarını yönlendiren bir yaklaşımdır. ​ Merkezimizde PROMPT Tekniği, Dil ve Konuşma Terapistlerimizce kullanılmaktadır. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

  • Afazi Nedenleri | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim

    Causes of Aphasia Conditions such as vascular disorders and traumatic brain injury are often associated with aphasia. Neoplasms (tumors), infections and degenerative conditions can also cause aphasia. Causes of Aphasia It is accepted that there are various causes of central nervous system disorders. Conditions such as vascular (vascular) disorders and traumatic brain injury are often associated with aphasia. Tumors, infections, and degenerative conditions can also cause aphasia. Conditions that may cause aphasia; Vascular disorders (vessel), traumatic brain injury tumors, degenerative conditions, developmental disorders, disorders related to metabolism, nutritional disorders, Disorders due to drugs and chemicals. In addition to traumatic causes as a result of impact or accident,most commonly stroke Afterwards, it is seen that the language areas in the left lobe of the brain are damaged. As a result of this situation, there may be a language disorder that includes comprehension, expression, or both. Studies show that 15 million people worldwide have a stroke every year. It has been reported that approximately 40% of these patients have aphasia or dysarthria. The frequency of aphasia seen in stroke survivors in our country has been reported as 21.5%. ​ Diagnosing aphasia after stroke and determining the type of aphasia as quickly as possible, healing the damaged areas and eliminating language disorders are important for the individual's quality of life. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

  • Kekemelik Terapilerinde Kullanılan Bilimsel Yöntemler | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim

    Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. Kekemelik Terapilerinde Kullanılan Bilimsel Yöntemler Kekemelikte kullanılan terapi yöntemleri arasında şunlar sayılabilir: Davranış yöntemleri: Kekemeliği davranışsal bir problem olarak ele alır ve konuşmayı sağlayan fiziksel mekanizmaların yeniden şekillendirilmesine yönelik teknikler uygular. Örneğin, blok modifikasyonu, kolay konuşma tekniği, uzatılmış konuşma, nefes alıştırmaları gibi. Entegre yöntemler: Kekemeliği hem davranışsal hem de duygusal bir problem olarak görür ve hem konuşma akıcılığını arttırmaya hem de kekemelikle ilgili olumsuz duyguları azaltmaya çalışır. Örneğin, bilişsel davranışçı terapi, duygusal özgürleştirme terapisi, kekemelik kabulü terapisi gibi. İşitsel geri bildirim: Kekeme kişinin kendi sesini belli bir oranda yavaşlatarak veya gürültü ile maskeleyerek duymasını sağlayan bir alettir. Bu sayede kişi konuşma akıcılığını arttırabilir. Lidcombe terapi tekniği: Ebeveynler tarafından 2-6 yaş arası yani okul öncesi çocuklara gündelik hayatta uygulanan bir terapi tekniğidir. Terapi sırasında ebeveynler çocuklarının akıcı ve kekeme konuşmalarını fark eder ve onlara uygun geri bildirimler verir. Yaruss Tekniği: Kekemeliği hem davranışsal hem de duygusal bir problem olarak ele alır. Çocuklara konuşma akıcılığını arttırmak için teknikler öğretirken, aynı zamanda kekemelikle ilgili olumsuz duygu ve düşüncelerini değiştirmelerine yardımcı olur1. ​ Kekemelik tedavisinde hangi yöntemin uygun olduğuna karar vermek için dil ve konuşma terapistinin değerlendirmesi gerekmektedir. Kekemelik problemi yaşayan kişilerin bu konuda uzman Dil ve Konuşma Terapistlerinden yardım alması önemlidir. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

  • Ses Terapisi ve Ses Hastalıkları | DilKonMer

    In Individuals with Aphasia Language and Position Therapy Aphasia is an acquired language disorder in which the areas of the brain responsible for speech and language are affected, usually as a result of a stroke or head injury. It can be seen at any age, including children, and is more common in middle and advanced ages. It is examined in two parts as Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia. What is Aphasia? Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that results from a brain hemorrhage or stroke. More Causes of Aphasia? Damage to the language and speech areas causes aphasia. More Who Gets Aphasia? It can be seen in all age groups, including children. More Types of Aphasia There are two types of Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia. More How Is Aphasia Defined? Usually noticed by neurologists. More Speech and Language Therapy in Patients with Aphasia Some cases of aphasia will heal on their own, while others will need speech and language therapy. More

  • Hakkımızda | Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı DilKonMer Dil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozuklukları

    about us As the DilKonMer family affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, we provide Counseling, Education and Therapy services for Language, Speech and Voice Disorders only in individual classes with plenty of material and air-conditioning, with the most experienced and devoted experts in Bahçelievler, Istanbul, for our individuals with language, speech and voice disorders. . With the permissions we received from the Ministry of National Education, we opened our doors.since 2013 We are always open to provide quality education/therapy services in a safe, effective and correct environment. As a result of these efforts, we started to be recognized as the best Speech Language Therapy Center in Istanbul Europe. ​ We only provide services dealing with Language, Speech and Voice Disorders without other disability groups. We know that Speech Difficulty is not a disability, it is a simple problem with a solution that can be easily overcome with the right intervention. However, if this problem is not treated correctly, it is known that personal, social and psychological effects can lead to negative situations. In order to minimize waiting times, our center serves with the Pre-Interview Appointment System andOur preliminary consultations are free. . We look forward to welcoming you to our modern center by making an appointment with you or a person with any language/speech/voice disorder. For more information, feel free to contact us. Communication Pre-Interview Appointment Hakkımızda: Klinik

  • Gecikmiş Konuşma| DilKonMer Özel Eğitim

    Delayed Speech Language development begins from birth. In the development of the child, psychosocial development, development of social relations, intelligence and learning skills should be at the normal level of development expected for his age. Delayed Speech Language development begins from birth. In the development of the child, psycho-social development, development of social relations, intelligence and learning skills should be at the normal level of development expected for his age. Language is studied in two parts. These are receptive language (auditory perception) and expressive language. Receptive language is the child's grasp and understanding of verbal expressions. In addition, expressive language is the expression of thoughts or feelings with the help of symbols or a system of symbols. In the normal development process, expressive and receptive language should be in direct proportion to the age of the child. Recipient Language Period: It is known that receptive language develops before expressive language in children. In order to support receptive language development, individuals around the child need to make short, simple sentences and repeat verbal expressions. The child's understanding of speech, the gestures and mimics used during speech, the expression of words or actions with movement, the toys used, the items suitable for the child's understanding age are effective. In all studies, the active participation of the child in the game should be ensured by using the game method. Although simple verbal expressions are used, eye contact should be established when talking to children. Expressive Language Period: During this period, children begin to gain the ability to express themselves. A child with normal language development will learn the language rules over time. Although the words we use are at a level that the child can understand, children acquire every rule of speech in different age periods and can develop the old one while learning a new skill at the next age. However, what the child says, how he says, what he wants should be listened carefully. You must be a model. He should be made to imitate what we say. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

  • Çocuklarda Normal Dil ve Konuşma Gelişimi | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim

    Normal Language and Speech Development in Children Before the age of 2, children learn grammar with words by using signs such as gestures and mimics. Around the age of 2, children begin to use grammatical rules by reducing signs to combine words to create different meanings. Normal in Children Language and Speech Development Scientists and parents once thought that the process of learning language and speech begins in the first ten to eighteen months, that is, when the first words are produced. Researchers have shown that the beginning of this process is actually much earlier. The baby's auditory system is developing well in the last three months of pregnancy and begins to hear many sounds in the womb. The baby is also very interested in the accents of his mother tongue and the voice of his mother, which reaches him through the amniotic fluid. In this way, speech rhythms are ingrained in the child's brain when he is born. After birth, babies do not yet mentally or physically control the organs that enable them to speak, but they spend most of their time listening to their mother's voice and recording all kinds of language-related information. In fact, babies can use many communication ways such as different crying tones, laughing and babbling for different requests long before they say their first words. The first communication with your baby starts long before he/she understands or uses language. Your baby responds to your voice by kicking or babbling during feeding or changing. He tells you his positive feelings by smiling and the negative ones by crying. Even while producing his first meaningful words, he accompanies them with hand signals so that the other person can understand them. Parents, on the other hand, analyze these reactions in a short time and respond to them, thus enriching the communication. Crying, laughing and making meaningless sounds are babies' first attempts to speak. Towards the end of their first year, they make meaningful speech-like sounds. The first meaningful words begin to be produced after the twelfth month. There may be individual differences at this point: some babies constantly struggle to make meaningful sounds, while others wait until they are ready for it. After the eighteenth month, the process of learning new words of babies accelerates considerably and great changes can be seen even in a week. This is the period when children's vocabulary develops rapidly, but learning a language requires more than producing individual words. By combining words, changing their places, adding certain syllables or sounds, etc. it is necessary to be able to produce different meanings using rules, this is grammar. Before the age of 2, children learn grammar with words by using signs such as gestures and mimics. Around the age of 2, children begin to use grammatical rules by reducing signs to combine words to create different meanings. After the age of 2.5, their vocabulary develops rapidly, and the sentences they produce are enriched in terms of semantics and grammar. By the age of 4-5, children can now express their wishes, needs and interests in long and complex sentences without difficulty and can easily understand most of what they hear around them. ​ Our Center, which is affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, provides service with a Free Pre-Interview Appointment System. You can come to our center by making an appointment with the child as soon as possible. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

  • Afazi Kimlerde Görülür | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim

    Who Gets Aphasia? Studies have reported that the frequency of development of aphasia with stroke varies by 24-36%. Who Gets Aphasia? Studies have reported that the incidence of aphasia with stroke varies between 24-36%. Considering the general population, it is thought that 33-52 of a hundred thousand people have aphasia due to stroke. Gender has no significant effect on the development of stroke-induced aphasia, but the likelihood of aphasia occurring increases with aging and the risk of cardioembolism. Aphasia occurs in the cerebral cortex and is a very complex condition caused by the damage of brain tissues for many different reasons. Brain tumors, head traumas, epilepsy and infections are among the factors that cause aphasia. Head trauma draws attention as a very common factor among the conditions that cause aphasia, and the type of aphasia differs according to the localization of the brain area where the trauma causes damage. In addition, although not commonly encountered, infections associated with high fever can cause different neurological problems, damage the brain and cause aphasia. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation

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