Ministry of Education
Language, Speech, and Voice Disorders Special Education Center
İstanbul - Bahçelievler 2013
19 years in Special Education
"10th year" in Speech and Language Therapy
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- İşitme Yetersizlği Olan Bireyler | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Fluent Speech Disorders Stuttering-Fast Distorted Speech Conditions such as sound extensions, blocking, sound and syllable repetition, incomplete words, and fast distorted speech affect speech fluency negatively. İşitme Cihazları İşitme cihazları, işitme kaybı yaşayan bireylerin daha iyi duymasını sağlayan elektronik cihazlardır. Bu cihazlar, sesleri yükselterek ve daha anlaşılır hale getirerek işitme yeteneğini artırır. Devamı Koklear İmplantlar Ses uzatmaları, Bloklamalar, Ses ve hece tekrarları, Tek heceli sözcüklerin tekrarı, Tamamlanmamış sözcükler... Devamı İşitme Yetersizliği Nedir? Bir çocuğun doğal oyun ortamında 1000 kelimede 50 veya daha fazla kelimede takılmaları oluyorsa... Devamı İşitme Yetersizliği Olan Bireylerin Eğitimleri Lidcombe Tekniği, Yaruss Tekniği, Fluency Shaping Tekniği... Devamı İşitme Yetersizliği Olan Bireylerde Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Hızlı-Bozuk konuşma konuşma anlaşılırlığını düşüren, kişinin psikolojik ve sosyal durumunu olumsuz etkileyen akıcı konuşma sorunudur. Devamı İşitme Yetersizliğinde Erken Teşhis Aileler çocuklarının başkalarını taklit ettiği için, sinirli olduğu için yada dilleri dönmediği için akıcı konuşamadıklarını zannedebilirler. Devamı İşitme Cihazı ve Koklear İmplant Farkları ve Kullanıcı Deneyimleri Akıcı konuşma bozuklukları alanında yetki ve söz sahibi uzmanlar Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleridir. Devamı Yasal Koklear İmplant Yaşı Tamamen iyileşmeyi garanti edilemez, “Kekemeliğe X günde son!” gibi yanıltıcı reklamlarla sözde tedavi merkezleri size bilimsel yaklaşımlar sunamaz. Devamı İşitme Cihazı Markaları ve Farkları Bazı afazili vakalar kendiliğinden iyileşirken bazı vakaların dil ve konuşma terapisine ihtiyacı olur. Devamı İşitme Cihazı ve Koklear İmplant Bakımı Çocukluk döneminde görülen kekemelik çoğunlukla kendi kendine geçebilir, fakat hangi çocuklarda ve hangi yöntemlerle kekemeliğin geçeceği bilinmemektedir. Devamı İşitme Engelli Bireyler İçin Destek Eğitim ve Rehabilitasyon Programı Birçok kekeleyen insan kekeleyeceğini tahmin ettiği kelime veya durumlardan kaçınır. Basit günlük olaylar örneğin bir biletin alımı onlar için büyük sorun yaratır. Devamı İşitme Cihazları ve Koklear İmplant Alanında Teknolojik Gelişmeler Kekeleyen insanların ailelerinde kekelemeyenlere nazaran üç kat daha fazla kekemelik görülür Devamı İşaret Dili Şarkı söylerken, ezberlediğim bir metni okurken veya kendimi rahat hissettiğim ortamlarda... Devamı Yasal İşitme Cihazı Yaşı Şarkı söylerken, ezberlediğim bir metni okurken veya kendimi rahat hissettiğim ortamlarda... Devamı Yeni Doğan İşitme Taraması ve Önemi Şarkı söylerken, ezberlediğim bir metni okurken veya kendimi rahat hissettiğim ortamlarda... Devamı İşitme Engeli ve Başarı Hikayeleri Şarkı söylerken, ezberlediğim bir metni okurken veya kendimi rahat hissettiğim ortamlarda... Devamı
- Dudak-Damak Yarıklığına Bağlı Konuşma Bozuklukları | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Fluent Speech Disorders Stuttering-Fast Distorted Speech Conditions such as sound extensions, blocking, sound and syllable repetition, incomplete words, and fast distorted speech affect speech fluency negatively. What Is Stuttering? Stuttering is characterized by involuntary interruptions in the flow and rhythm of speech, which usually begins between the ages of 3-8,... More Stuttering Diagnostic Criteria Sound extensions, Blocks, Sound and syllable repetitions, Repetition of monosyllabic words, Incomplete words... More Early Stage (Childhood) Stuttering If a child gets stuck at 50 or more words out of 1,000 in their natural play environment... More Scientific Methods Used in Stuttering Therapies Lidcombe Technique, Yaruss Technique, Fluency Shaping Technique... More What is Rapid Distorted Speech? Fast-Distorted speech is a fluent speech problem that reduces speech intelligibility and negatively affects the psychological and social status of the person. More What Are the Causes of Stuttering? Families may think that their children cannot speak fluently because they imitate others, because they are nervous or because their language is not turned. More
- Çocuklarda Normal Dil ve Konuşma Gelişimi | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Normal Language and Speech Development in Children Before the age of 2, children learn grammar with words by using signs such as gestures and mimics. Around the age of 2, children begin to use grammatical rules by reducing signs to combine words to create different meanings. Normal in Children Language and Speech Development Scientists and parents once thought that the process of learning language and speech begins in the first ten to eighteen months, that is, when the first words are produced. Researchers have shown that the beginning of this process is actually much earlier. The baby's auditory system is developing well in the last three months of pregnancy and begins to hear many sounds in the womb. The baby is also very interested in the accents of his mother tongue and the voice of his mother, which reaches him through the amniotic fluid. In this way, speech rhythms are ingrained in the child's brain when he is born. After birth, babies do not yet mentally or physically control the organs that enable them to speak, but they spend most of their time listening to their mother's voice and recording all kinds of language-related information. In fact, babies can use many communication ways such as different crying tones, laughing and babbling for different requests long before they say their first words. The first communication with your baby starts long before he/she understands or uses language. Your baby responds to your voice by kicking or babbling during feeding or changing. He tells you his positive feelings by smiling and the negative ones by crying. Even while producing his first meaningful words, he accompanies them with hand signals so that the other person can understand them. Parents, on the other hand, analyze these reactions in a short time and respond to them, thus enriching the communication. Crying, laughing and making meaningless sounds are babies' first attempts to speak. Towards the end of their first year, they make meaningful speech-like sounds. The first meaningful words begin to be produced after the twelfth month. There may be individual differences at this point: some babies constantly struggle to make meaningful sounds, while others wait until they are ready for it. After the eighteenth month, the process of learning new words of babies accelerates considerably and great changes can be seen even in a week. This is the period when children's vocabulary develops rapidly, but learning a language requires more than producing individual words. By combining words, changing their places, adding certain syllables or sounds, etc. it is necessary to be able to produce different meanings using rules, this is grammar. Before the age of 2, children learn grammar with words by using signs such as gestures and mimics. Around the age of 2, children begin to use grammatical rules by reducing signs to combine words to create different meanings. After the age of 2.5, their vocabulary develops rapidly, and the sentences they produce are enriched in terms of semantics and grammar. By the age of 4-5, children can now express their wishes, needs and interests in long and complex sentences without difficulty and can easily understand most of what they hear around them. Our Center, which is affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, provides service with a Free Pre-Interview Appointment System. You can come to our center by making an appointment with the child as soon as possible. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Ses Terapisi ve Ses Hastalıkları | DilKonMer
Voice Therapy and Voice Diseases Sound Therapy aims to teach patients how to produce the best possible sound using their voice systems, how to recover from harm or illness and how to protect them, and encourages the balance of vocal production physiology, helps coordination of breath, and the appropriate pitch necessary for sound production and vocal cord health, It is a program that includes exercises to ensure height and sound quality. Is it possible to treat/therapy of voice disorders? When there is a voice disorder, a doctor's examination is required first. More What is Mutational Falsetto? How is it treated? "My voice is like a child's voice", "My voice is too thin", "They think I'm a girl on the phone" More Sound Hygiene We call all behaviors aimed at protecting the sound system sound hygiene. More Vocal Cord Disease Polyp-Nodule Swelling in the vocal cords causes the voice to be shortened, thickened or bifurcated. More Vocal Cord Cancer Although vocal cord cancer is seen intensely in smokers , it can also be seen in non-smokers. More vocal cord paralysis Damage to the nerves leading to the vocal cords makes it difficult for the vocal cords to perform their function. More Reinke's Edema Reinke's Edema is swelling in the vocal folds. The individual's voice is muffled and rough. More
- SSS | Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı DilKonMer Dil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozuklukları
Frequently Asked Questions How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How does your new admission procedure work? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? SSS: SSS I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? I do not have my insurance card with me, can I still receive treatment? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site? How much does my insurance cover the examination fee? Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and precise. Give written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: Would you understand your own answer if it was your first time visiting the site?
- Video | DilKonMer Eğitim
Video Channel Name All Categories Play Video Play Video 00:23 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy. Play Video Play Video 00:32 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy. Play Video Play Video 00:29 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy. Play Video Play Video 00:31 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy. Play Video Play Video 00:23 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy. Play Video Play Video 00:32 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy. Play Video Play Video 00:29 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy. Play Video Play Video 00:31 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy. Play Video Play Video 00:23 Video Title This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy.
- Hakkımızda | Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı DilKonMer Dil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozuklukları
about us As the DilKonMer family affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, we provide Counseling, Education and Therapy services for Language, Speech and Voice Disorders only in individual classes with plenty of material and air-conditioning, with the most experienced and devoted experts in Bahçelievler, Istanbul, for our individuals with language, speech and voice disorders. . With the permissions we received from the Ministry of National Education, we opened our doors.since 2013 We are always open to provide quality education/therapy services in a safe, effective and correct environment. As a result of these efforts, we started to be recognized as the best Speech Language Therapy Center in Istanbul Europe. We only provide services dealing with Language, Speech and Voice Disorders without other disability groups. We know that Speech Difficulty is not a disability, it is a simple problem with a solution that can be easily overcome with the right intervention. However, if this problem is not treated correctly, it is known that personal, social and psychological effects can lead to negative situations. In order to minimize waiting times, our center serves with the Pre-Interview Appointment System andOur preliminary consultations are free. . We look forward to welcoming you to our modern center by making an appointment with you or a person with any language/speech/voice disorder. For more information, feel free to contact us. Communication Pre-Interview Appointment Hakkımızda: Klinik
- MEB DilKonMer Dil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozuklukları Terapi Merkezi İstanbul
Biz Kimiz? M.E.B. Kimliğimiz Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı, sadece dil konuşma bozuklukları ve işitme eğitimi alanında hizmet veren özel eğitim ve rehabilitasyon merkeziyiz. Ekibimiz, sekiz (8) Dil ve Konuşma Terapisti, Uzman Öğreticiler ve Klinik Psikologlardan oluşur. Her birimiz, bize başvuran bireylerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak hizmet veriyoruz. Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi (RAM) Raporu olan herkes merkezimizden Ücretsiz faydalanmaktadır. Merkezimizde diğer engel gruplarından bağımsız sadece iki program uygulanmaktadır. Dil ve Konuşma Bozukluğu Olan Bireyler İçin Destek Eğitim Programı İşitme Yetersizliği Olan Bireyler İçin Destek Eğitim Programı Free Pre-Interview Appointment Hizmetlerimiz Gecikmiş konuşma, çocuklarda normalden daha geç başlayan veya beklenen dil ve iletişim becerilerini geliştirmekte zorluk yaşanan bir durumu ifade eder. Çocuklarda Gecikmiş Konuşma Daha Fazlası Bir veya daha fazla konuşma sesi üretiminde zorluklar yaşanması / çıkarılamaması durumudur. En yaygın /s/, /z/, /l/ ve /r/ seslerinde problem yaşanmaktadır. Konuşma Sesi Bozuklukları (Artikülasyon) Daha Fazlası Ses Terapisi hastalara ses sistemlerini kullanarak mümkün olan en iyi sesi nasıl üreteceklerini, zarardan ya da hastalıktan nasıl geri döneceklerini ve nasıl korunacaklarını öğretmeyi amaçlayan bir programdır. Ses Bozuklukları ve Ses Terapisi Daha Fazlası İşitme Cihazları, Koklear İmplant, İşitme Destek Eğitimleri, İşitme Yetersizliği Olan Bireyler İçin Özel Eğitim, Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi, Akademik Eğitim, Toplumsal Beceriler Eğitimleri, Aile Eğitimleri İşitme Yetersizliği Olan Bireylerin Eğitimi Daha Fazlası Afazi genellikle bir inme veya kafa travması sonucunda ortaya çıkan beynin konuşma ve dilden sorumlu alanlarının etkilenmesiyle görülen edinilmiş dil bozukluğudur. Afazili Bireylerde Dil ve Konuma Terapisi Daha Fazlası Kekemelik, konuşmanın akıcılığında ve zaman örüntüsünde bozukluklarla karakterize edilen bir konuşma bozukluğudur. Konuşma sırasında duraklamalar, tekrarlar veya uzatmalar gibi kesintiler görülür. Akıcı Konuşma Bozuklukları Daha Fazlası Hastalık veya hasara bağlı olarak konuşmayı işlemleme sürecinde meydana gelen motor planlama veya konuşma bileşenlerinden bir/birkaçının etkilenmesi durumunda ortaya çıkan konuşma bozukluğudur. Motor Konuşma Bozuklukları Dizatri-Apraksi Daha Fazlası Travmatik Beyin Hasarı (TBH), beynin dış bir kuvvet sonucu zarar görmesiyle oluşan bir durumdur. Travmatik Beyin Hasarı Sonucu Oluşan Dil ve Konuşma Sorunları Daha Fazlası Dudak-damak yarıklığı, hamileliğin erken dönemlerinde bebeğin yüz bölgesinin birleşmemesiyle oluşur ve bu durum konuşma bozukluklarına yol açabilir. Dudak-Damak Yarıklığına Bağlı Konuşma Bozuklukları Daha Fazlası Our Working Hours We Are Here When You Need It Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday 09.00 - 18:00 Wednesday CLOSED Online appointment Contact us Videos Tüm Videolar All Categories Play Video Play Video 01:15 DilKonMer Dil Konuşma Özel Eğitim Merkezi Artikülasyon Bozukluğunun Sebepleri Artikülasyon Bozuklukları Konuşma Sesleri gündelik yaşantımızda iletişim için sahip olduğumuz dil çerçevesinde kullandığımız seslerdir. Bazı nedenlerden dolayı bireyler konuşma seslerini çıkaramama veya yanlış çıkarma sorunları yaşayabilmektedir. Literatürde "Artikülasyon Bozukluğu" olarak adlandırılan bu sorun Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi desteği ile kısa sürede ve kolayca düzeltilebilmektedir. Genel olarak toplumda daha çok /S/,/Z/ ve /R/ seslerinde sorun görülse de diğer seslerde sorun yaşayan bireyler de bu sorunu yaşamaktadır. Ücretsiz Ön Görüşmelerimiz sayesinde konuyla ilgili detaylı bilgi ve değerlendirme hizmeti alabilirsiniz. Play Video Play Video 01:29 DilKonMer Dil Konuşma Özel Eğitim Merkezi Dil ve Konuşma Terapisti Kimdir? Dil ve Konuşma Terapisti, insan iletişimi ile ilgili bozuklukların yaşam boyu önlenmesi, ayırıcı tanısı, değerlendirmesi, tedavisi ve bilimsel incelemesinden sorumlu bir sağlık meslek mensubudur. Play Video Play Video 00:42 DilKonMer Dil Konuşma Özel Eğitim Merkezi Dizartri Nedir? Dizartri, Beyin hasarı, felç gibi durumlarda meydana gelen, konuşma kaslarında oluşan bir hastalık olarak tanımlayabiliriz. Detaylı Bilgi için Sayfamızı İnceleyebilirsiniz. Ön görüşmelerimiz ücretsizdir. Adres; Şirinevler Mahallesi Fetih Caddesi Fetih 3. Sokak No.2 City Plaza, 5. Kat, 34188 Bahçelievler/İstanbul, Türkiye (+90) 212 963 63 12 (+90) 212 653 71 91 (+90) 505 635 34 85 Play Video Play Video Dil Gelişiminde Model Olma Play Video Play Video Artikülasyon Bozukluğu Türleri Sesin Düşürülmesi, Ses Eklemesi, Ses Değiştirilmesi, Ses Bozulması Play Video Play Video DilKonMer Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'na bağlı merkezimizden RAM Raporlu bireyler ücretsiz faydalanabilmektedir. Play Video Play Video Okul Öncesi Konuşmanın Anlaşılamaması Okul öncesi dönemde konuşma bozukluğunun mutlaka giderilmesi gerekmektedir. Okul dönemine sarkan bozukluklar psikolojik, sosyal ve akademik başarısızlığa neden olmaktadır. Play Video Play Video 00:57 Afazi Nedir? Afazi, beyin kanaması veya Travmatik beyin hasarı sonrasında felç/inme ile birlikte görülebilen bir dil bozukluğudur. Play Video Play Video 00:26 Mutasyonel Falsetto Mutasyonel Falsetto 11-18 yaş aralığındaki erkeklerde görülen bebeksi konuşma biçimidir ve 1-2 Ses Terapisi seansı ile tamamen düzelir. Play Video Play Video 00:16 DilKonMer Kekemelik Akıcı Konuşma Bozukluğudur Kekemelik, genellikle 3-8 yaş aralığında başlayan, konuşmanın akış ritminde istemsiz kesintiler görülen ve sadece Konuşma Terapisiyle kontrol altına alınabilen Akıcı Konuşma bozukluğudur. Play Video Play Video 00:35 DilKonMer Dil Konuşma Özel Eğitim Merkezi Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı DilKonMer Dil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozuklukları Terapi Merkezi Milli Eğitim Bakanlığından aldığımız izinlerle kapılarımızı 2013 yılından beri, daima güvenli, etkili ve doğru bir ortamda kaliteli eğitim/terapi hizmetleri sunmak için açtık. Bu çabalarımız sonucunda da İstanbul Avrupa bölgesindeki en iyi Konuşma Terapisi Kliniği olarak tanınmaya başladık. Bu Konuşma Terapisi Kliniği bünyesinde hizmet verecek ekip seçiminde çok hassas davranarak alanında uzmanlaşmış Dil Konuşma Terapistlerini, Çocuk Gelişim Uzmanlarını, Okul Öncesi Öğretmenlerini ve Uzman Psikologları kadromuza dahil ettik. Amacımız sizlere ve çok sevdiğimiz çocuklarımıza etkili, bilimsel ve doğru yöntemler sunabilmek ve yaşamış olduğunuz sorunlarınızdan bir an önce kurtulmanızı sağlayabilmektir. Play Video Play Video 00:35 DilKonMer Dil Konuşma Özel Eğitim Merkezi Çocuklarda Gecikmiş Konuşma Sorunu - Halk Arasında İnanılan Yanlışlar Çocuklarda Gecikmiş Konuşma problemi, sanılanın aksine uzman Konuşma Terapistlerince müdahale edilmesi gereken bir Konuşma Bozukluğu sorunudur. Bu sorunu yaşayan çocukların okul çağından önce mutlaka akran seviyeye gelmesi bireyin sosyal, psikolojik ve kişisel gelişimde önem arz etmektedir. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'na bağlı merkezimizde altı (6) Dil Konuşma Terapisti hizmet vermektedir. Play Video Play Video 01:37 DilKonMer Dil Konuşma Özel Eğitim Merkezi DilKonMer Bilgi ve Randevu Hattı: +90 212 963 6312 T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı DilKonMer Dil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozuklukları Değerlendirme ve Terapi Merkezi Merhaba, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı olan Merkezimizde alanında uzmanlaşmış Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleriyle bireysel terapi verilmektedir. Merkezimizde çocuk, ergen ve yetişkinlerde görülen kekemelik, hızlı bozuk konuşma, pelteklik, artikülasyon bozuklukları, ses bozuklukları, gecikmiş konuşma, işitme kaybına bağlı konuşma problemleri, afazi sonrası dil ve konuşma terapisi ve benzeri diğer bütün dil, konuşma ve ses bozuklukları alanlarında bilimsel teknikler kullanılarak terapi desteği verilmektedir. Terapi programlarımız bireyin yaşamış olduğu problemin türüne ve boyutuna göre kişiye özel olarak planlanmakta ve terapi programının süresi buna bağlı olarak değişkenlik göstermektedir. Terapi programına başlayabilmeniz ve probleminizle ilgili detaylı bilgi alabilmeniz için ücretsiz olarak oluşturulan ön görüşme randevusuna katılımınız gerekmektedir. Detaylı bilgiyi adresimizde bulabilirsiniz. Bilgi ve Randevu için; +90 212 653 7191 / +90 505 635 3485 Adres: Şirinevler Mah. Fetih Cad. Fetih 3. Sok. No:2 City Plaza 5. Kat Bahçelievler-İstanbul Contact us This form you fillFree Pre-Interview Appointment is the form. Our Preliminary Meetings are Free. The individual who has a problem should definitely come to our center. It is not possible to give detailed and accurate information without seeing the individual. After the contact information you will leave, our Appointment Department will contact you and confirm your appointment in line with your day/time requests. Speech Therapy Session appointments are organized by our Appointment Department in line with your requests after the Preliminary Interview and you are informed/approved by phone. Address ; Şirinevler Mahallesi Fetih Caddesi Fetih 3rd Street No.2 City Plaza, 5th Floor, 34188 Bahçelievler/Istanbul, Turkey (+90) 212 963 63 12 (+90) 212 653 71 91 Name Email Telephone Choose an Issue Choose a Date (We Are Closed On Wednesdays) Select Time Message Submit Appointment Form Thank you for submitting!
- Çocuklarda Gecikmiş Konuşma | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Language Disorder [Delayed Speech in Children] Language development begins from birth. In the development of the child, psychosocial development, development of social relations, intelligence and learning skills should be at the normal level of development expected for his age. Language is studied in two parts. These are receptive language (auditory perception) and expressive language. Receptive language is the child's grasp and understanding of verbal expressions. In addition, expressive language is the expression of thoughts or feelings with the help of symbols or a system of symbols. In the normal development process, expressive and receptive language should be in direct proportion to the age of the child. Family Advice on Language Development Playing with Toys, Playing Without Objects, Behaving Enthusiastically, Using Exaggerated Facial Expressions, Being a Model, Asking Questions, Parallel Talking More Language and Speech Development in Babies From the first moment they are born, babies begin to communicate with the people around them to meet their needs. Crying is the first form of communication. More Delayed Speech Language development begins from birth. In the development of the child, psychosocial development, development of social relations, intelligence and learning skills should be at the normal level of development expected for his age. More Common Misconceptions About Language and Speech Development Boys speak late, Having a parent or other family member who anticipates the child's every request, Having a speech problem with a brother/sister or a close person around him, Being stubborn, Tongue tie... More Normal Language and Speech Development in Children Scientists and parents once thought that the process of learning language and speech begins in the first ten to eighteen months, that is, when the first words are produced. Researchers have shown that the beginning of this process is actually much earlier. More Danger Signals in Language Development 3-4 months old If he does not show interest in the people and toys around him, he cannot make eye contact, there is no mutual glance and mutual interest period, 1 year old if it does not respond to 1 commandif “throw the ball” cannot play the game with “miss” at the age of 1, More
- Artikülasyon Bozuklukları - Konuşma Sesi Bozuklukları| DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Articulation Disorders Speech Sounds are the sounds we use within the framework of the language we have for communication in our daily life. For some reasons, individuals may experience problems in being unable to make speech sounds or making them wrong. This problem, which is called "Articulation Disorder" in the literature, can be corrected in a short time and easily with the support of Speech and Language Therapy. In general, although there are more problems with /S/, /Z/ and /R/ sounds in society, individuals who have problems with other sounds also experience this problem. You can get detailed information and evaluation service on the subject thanks to our free Preliminary Interviews. articulation Breathing, Voice, Reverberation, Speech-Articulation More Causes of Articulation Disorder Structural (Organic) and Functional (Functional) Causes, Diagnosis More Types of Articulation Disorder Sound Drop, Sound Addition, Sound Change, Sound Distortion More What is Articulation Disorder? Articulation Disorder is a speech disorder. More Inability to Speak the R Sound - Rotacism /R/ Can't Speak, Rotacism, Why It Occurs, Habit, Environmental Causes, Kinesthetic Sense Weakness More Phonological Disorder What is Phonological Disorder? Differences with Articulation Disorder More
- Afazili Bireylerde Dil ve Konuma Terapisi | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
In Individuals with Aphasia Language and Position Therapy Aphasia is an acquired language disorder in which the areas of the brain responsible for speech and language are affected, usually as a result of a stroke or head injury. It can be seen at any age, including children, and is more common in middle and advanced ages. It is examined in two parts as Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia. What is Aphasia? Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that results from a brain hemorrhage or stroke. More Causes of Aphasia? Damage to the language and speech areas causes aphasia. More Who Gets Aphasia? It can be seen in all age groups, including children. More Types of Aphasia There are two types of Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia. More How Is Aphasia Defined? Usually noticed by neurologists. More Speech and Language Therapy in Patients with Aphasia Some cases of aphasia will heal on their own, while others will need speech and language therapy. More
- Akıcı Konuşma Bozuklukları | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Fluent Speech Disorders Stuttering-Fast Distorted Speech Conditions such as sound extensions, blocking, sound and syllable repetition, incomplete words, and fast distorted speech affect speech fluency negatively. What Is Stuttering? Stuttering is characterized by involuntary interruptions in the flow and rhythm of speech, which usually begins between the ages of 3-8,... More Stuttering Diagnostic Criteria Sound extensions, Blocks, Sound and syllable repetitions, Repetition of monosyllabic words, Incomplete words... More Early Stage (Childhood) Stuttering If a child gets stuck at 50 or more words out of 1,000 in their natural play environment... More Scientific Methods Used in Stuttering Therapies Lidcombe Technique, Yaruss Technique, Fluency Shaping Technique... More What is Rapid Distorted Speech? Fast-Distorted speech is a fluent speech problem that reduces speech intelligibility and negatively affects the psychological and social status of the person. More What Are the Causes of Stuttering? Families may think that their children cannot speak fluently because they imitate others, because they are nervous or because their language is not turned. More Speech and Language Therapy for Fluent Speech Disorder Speech and Language Therapists are experts in the field of fluent speech disorders. More Does Stuttering End in 15 Days? Complete recovery cannot be guaranteed, “Stop stuttering in X days!” So-called treatment centers cannot offer you scientific approaches with misleading advertisements such as More Most Asked Questions About Stuttering Some cases of aphasia will heal on their own, while others will need speech and language therapy. More Does stuttering go away on its own? Stuttering seen in childhood can mostly go away on its own, but it is not known in which children and by what methods. More Stuttering and Psychology Many people who stutter avoid words or situations that they anticipate will stutter. Simple daily events, such as the purchase of a ticket, cause a lot of trouble for them. More Is Stuttering Hereditary? The families of people who stutter are three times more likely to stutter than those who don't More Talking Sometimes I Hang Out Sometimes I Don't While singing, reading a text that I have memorized, or in environments where I feel comfortable... More