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Ministry of Education
Language, Speech, and Voice Disorders Special Education Center
İstanbul - Bahçelievler 2013
19 years in Special Education
"10th year" in Speech and Language Therapy
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'na bağlı Merkezimiz, Bebek, Çocuk, Ergen ve Yetişkin bireylerde
Dil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozukluklarına yönelik terapi hizmeti vermektedir.
Ön Görüşmelerimiz ücretsizdir.
Raporlu bireyler Ücretsiz Dil ve Konuşma Terapilerinden faydalanabilmektedir.
Merkezimizde diğer engel gruplarından bağımsız sadece iki program uygulanmaktadır.
Dil ve Konuşma Bozukluğu Olan Bireyler İçin Destek Eğitim Programı
İşitme Yetersizliği Olan Bireyler İçin Destek Eğitim Programı
Konuşma Sesi Bozuklukları (Artikülasyon /R/,/S/,/Z/ vb.)
Afazi (Beyin Kanaması, İnme Sonrası)
İşitme Yetersizliği Olan Bireylerin Eğitimi
Travmatik Beyin Hasarı Sonucu Konuşma Bozuklukları
Language development begins from birth. In the development of the child, psychosocial development, development of social relations, intelligence and learning skills should be at the normal level of development expected for his age.
Language is studied in two parts. These are receptive language (auditory perception) and expressive language. Receptive language is the child's grasp and understanding of verbal expressions. In addition, expressive language is the expression of thoughts or feelings with the help of symbols or a system of symbols. In the normal development process, expressive and receptive language should be in direct proportion to the age of the child.
Articulation disorder; It is the lack of smoothness and sound harmony expected from the person's age and speech development period. It can be in the form of discordant sound and use, wrong emphasis and selection, or disorders in arrangement.
Structural (Organic) problems such as problems in the structure of the tongue - teeth - lips - palate or functional loss of function, that is, inadequacies in hearing sensitivity cause Articulation Disorder, as well as reasons such as completely wrong learning and reinforcement can be counted among the causes of Articulation Disorder.
Language Disorders
Aphasia, Influence of Speech Area Due to Traumatic Brain Injury, Auditory Perception Disorder
Aphasia is brain damage caused by cerebral hemorrhage and is usually seen in the left hemisphere. Our language area is located in the left hemisphere. After a stroke, physical disability can be seen in the right fine motor skills, as well as the language area in the left area can be negatively affected. Stroke can affect areas of self-expression, reading or writing. It can be in the form of being imprisoned while speaking (Broca's Aphasia) or using meaningless, unnecessary words (Wernicke's Aphasia).
Fluent Speech Disorders
Stuttering, Rapid Distorted Speech
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines stuttering as an involuntary disorder in which the individual cannot ensure the flow of speech even though he knows what he wants to say. Stuttering is a fluency disorder characterized by involuntary interruptions in the flow and rhythm of speech that usually begins between the ages of 3 and 8, the cause of which is unknown, and can often improve in the pre-adolescent period. In stuttering, prolongation of sounds, pauses, sound and syllable repetitions, and exclamations are seen. It occurs with psychological, physiological and neurological rhythm disorders such as tense words, the desire to use other words instead of words that are difficult to say. These are the conditions that predispose to stuttering.
Modification Technique
Fluency Shaping Technique
Relaxed Breathing Techniques etc.
Support Education/Therapy Services
Learning Disability, Stuttering Groups, Psychologist Support; Play Therapy, Resentment, Anger, Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Worry, Speech Therapy in Other Disability Groups (Autism etc.)
Our excellent team, each of whom is specialized in their field, also provides support training/therapy services for other problems that negatively affect the psycho-social development of the individual. We are here to assist you. Do not hesitate to call us.
Fluent Speech Disorders
Stuttering, Rapid Distorted Speech
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines stuttering as an involuntary disorder in which the individual cannot ensure the flow of speech even though he knows what he wants to say. Stuttering is a fluency disorder characterized by involuntary interruptions in the flow and rhythm of speech that usually begins between the ages of 3 and 8, the cause of which is unknown, and can often improve in the pre-adolescent period. In stuttering, prolongation of sounds, pauses, sound and syllable repetitions, and exclamations are seen. It occurs with psychological, physiological and neurological rhythm disorders such as tense words, the desire to use other words instead of words that are difficult to say. These are the conditions that predispose to stuttering.
Modification Technique
Fluency Shaping Technique
Relaxed Breathing Techniques etc.
Fluent Speech Disorders
Learning Disability, Stuttering Groups, Psychologist Support; Play Therapy, Resentment, Anger, Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Worry, Speech Therapy in Other Disability Groups (Autism etc.)
Our excellent team, each of whom is specialized in their field, also provides support training/therapy services for other problems that negatively affect the psycho-social development of the individual. We are here to assist you. Do not hesitate to call us.
Support Education/Therapy Services
Stuttering, Rapid Distorted Speech
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines stuttering as an involuntary disorder in which the individual cannot ensure the flow of speech even though he knows what he wants to say. Stuttering is a fluency disorder characterized by involuntary interruptions in the flow and rhythm of speech that usually begins between the ages of 3 and 8, the cause of which is unknown, and can often improve in the pre-adolescent period. In stuttering, prolongation of sounds, pauses, sound and syllable repetitions, and exclamations are seen. It occurs with psychological, physiological and neurological rhythm disorders such as tense words, the desire to use other words instead of words that are difficult to say. These are the conditions that predispose to stuttering.
Modification Technique
Fluency Shaping Technique
Relaxed Breathing Techniques etc.
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Contact us
This form you fillFree Pre-Interview Appointmentis the form. Our Preliminary Meetings are Free. The individual who has a problem should definitely come to our center. It is not possible to give detailed and accurate information without seeing the individual. After the contact information you will leave, our Appointment Department will contact you and confirm your appointment in line with your day/time requests.
Speech Therapy Session appointments are organized by our Appointment Department in line with your requests after the Preliminary Interview and you are informed/approved by phone.
Şirinevler Mahallesi Fetih Caddesi Fetih 3rd Street No.2 City Plaza, 5th Floor, 34188 Bahçelievler/Istanbul, Turkey
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